Drinking juices allow you to easily meet the daily recommendations of fruit and vegetable intake. The center for Disease Control recommends consuming five to nine servings of fresh fruit and vegetables per day. Juicing is a refreshing and easy way to achieve this.
All the nutrients are easily absorbed. In many fruit and vegetable the important enzymes, phytochemicals and vitamins are trapped within the fibrous elements and cannot be broken down and absorbed by the body. Juicing breaks apart the cell walls releasing all these valuable nutrients making them quickly available to the body, often within as little as fifteen minutes.
Saving the bodies energy: Juice does not have to be digested a great deal by the body, just absorbed. This allows the body to conserve energy and use it for processes such as healing, fighting infections or detoxification. The juices are also a great source of water, keeping the body adequately hydrated. The alkalinity of the body is also maintained with these juices.
Toxin cleansing: Juices can assist in the cleansing of the body, Juices, especially fruit juice recipes have a laxative effect and so can assist with the transit of toxins through the body and their expulsion. Cleansing helps maintain the bodies metabolism and helps them work much more efficiently.
Life force: Many plants contain a life force which is their antioxidant powers. When vegetables are processed a lot of these antioxidants are lost. These chemicals are important for fighting free radicals in the body which can cause cell damage, leading to aging and diseases such as cancer.
Contains chlorophyll: This chemical is responsible for giving plants their color. When absorbed into the body it can encourage the production of hemoglobin which in turn increases the bodies ability to transport and deliver oxygen to the cells.
There are many benefits to regularly drinking juices. Not only do they help increase the efficiency of the body they play a role in reducing the risk of developing chronic diseases.