My (hopefully) Healthier Lifestyle.

Featuring Jack LaLanne's juicer and Tony Horton's P90X program.


Things That Make You Go...Hmm

Out of curiosity (and the need to tighten a notch on my belt) I stepped on the scale yesterday. It said I have lost 2 pounds, which I believe is water weight. Not to shabby :)

Here's an interesting observation. I wasn't home much yesterday and didn't drink any juices and by the evening I was really bloated and sluggish. Pretty strange don't you think?

This morning things seem to be back on track but I definitely plan on getting all the required servings of fruit and vegetables today.

I suspect my body is in worse shape than I first thought :(
And I have a long way to go to reaching my ideal weight :(

*SIGH* Well maybe a nice morning walk will help my metabolism get going.